To build a high gloss cabinet with installation of the Steinway High Gloss Model M front speakers. A widescreen TV for News and TV programs and a 120” motorised screen for movies.
Installing powerful high fidelity system into cabinet structure is a demanding job even for expert consultants like us since the cabinet structure adds unnecessary vibration/noise to the overall sound production. To keep the unwanted vibration under control we used thick front wood for the cabinet panel and all hollow sections are stuffed with compressed rockwool to reduce hollow sound. Thanks to the special design of Steinway speaker brackets, resonance is further reduced.
As the client loves the high gloss cabinet, we needed extra care to minimise reflection of the projector’s light source. The seating area faced the cabinet so the glare from the cabinet could be unpleasant.
The home cinema system was commissioned after completing the all the interior design (ID) work. With most of the installation needed to be retrofitted, it was a very challenging installation especially the motorised screen.
We were not allowed to cut a new access hole in the ceiling and the only route to bring the screen up was through the existing access hole that was not ideally located. it was a very complex solution but we did it and the screen came down from where we wanted it.
In addition, the client wanted to add a karaoke system into this setup. But by adding a pair of karaoke speakers to this beautiful setup would spoil the overall look of the front feature wall. The ID consultant rejected the standard karaoke speakers as they are too bulky and too commercial. To meet the strict ID specifications, we deployed very slim speakers that are suitable for karaoke singing. They were installed into the wall covering them with acoustic fabric. This gave an illusion making them disappear visually yet remained functional.
Since this room did not have any acoustic treatment, the full-height windows on right side wall lacked acoustic control creating a pleasurable listening environment. Thanks to Steinway’s fabulous calibration software, these acoustic issues were addressed.
The project complexity was extremely high while the uncompromising interior design specifications put our skills to the test. We were glad that we succeeded and would do it all over again. The client was very satisfied with the sound and video as well as the overall look of the entertainment room. Their parting comment was, “Money well spent!”
*A similar integration of systems with comparable setup complexity: USD$ 150K – USD$180K.